A group of budding young radio presenters got to appear on Beyond Radio as part of the first ever Heritage Market Festival in Lancaster.
The team of young podcasters were out and about as roving reporters at Sunday's event in Market Square, which showcased the work of local 11-18 year olds and celebrated the heritage of the Lancaster and Morecambe area.
They interviewed some special guests for our weekly The Resident radio show, which aired with a special young people's takeover on Tuesday, December 19 at 6pm on Beyond Radio.
Interviewees included Professor Vanessa Toulmin from the Morecambe Winter Gardens, local musician Kriss Foster, and Lucy Reynolds from the Lancaster Music Festival organising team.
LISTEN to the interviews below
Gabriella and Jasmine with Professor Vanessa Toulmin
Lucy with Dylan from the Atkinson's Coffee stall
Anshi with Kriss Foster
Jenny with Lucy Reynolds
You can see more video interviews from the team at the Beyond Radio Facebook page including chats with Ciara Moriarty from The Performance Studios and local tour guide and historian Peter Wade.
Our young team of reporters had been part of a special series of workshops called 'Podcast our Past' where they each created their own podcast on a topic of local history.
The workshops were run by Beyond Radio in partnership with Escape2Make and gave youngsters the chance to record their podcasts at the Beyond Radio studios in Lancaster, while being mentored by Greg Lambert and Chris Brookbanks from Beyond Radio.
A big thank you to local historians Peter Wade and Phil Martin, and Professor Alan Rice from the University of Central Lancashire, for helping with the workshops.
The podcasts can be heard here.
The podcasts are:
Bay Real: The celebrities of Lancaster and Morecambe with Gabriella and Jasmine T
Max's Mystery Podcast: The story of Lord Ashton
The Lancaster Slave Trade: hosted by Anshi with Professor Alan Rice
Lucy's Latest History News: Tales from Lancaster Castle and its dungeons
The Poltercast: Lancaster's ghost stories with Jennifer S
The Lancashire Witches: hosted by Jenny
The festival was run by Escape2Make and was a huge success.