A high turnout is expected for an annual Lancaster road race over three bridges which has been running for 15 years.
The 10km Three Bridges race takes place on Sunday April 16, starting at the Salt Ayre athletics track at 11am.
Angus Murray, chair of Lancaster and Morecambe Athletics Club, spoke to Beyond Radio on the Saturday Sports Show a few weeks ago all about the race.
“We organise the race, it’s long-standing and it’s been going for at least 15 years," said Angus.
"It starts out from our clubhouse on Salt Ayre’s athletics track, we go up the cycleway to the Millennium Bridge, over the bridge, onto the cycleway heading up to Halton, up the famous steps at the aqueduct, across the aqueduct, down Halton Road, over Skerton Bridge, back onto the cycleway and back to the clubhouse at Salt Ayre.
“It’s a very popular race, last year we had around 200 running it and we’re expecting at least that many this year. It’s also one of the cheapest races in the area.”
The price of entry for UK Athletics-affiliated runners is £13.50, with those not affiliated paying an extra £2. Competitors must be 15 or over on the day of the race. You can pay on the day, but it will cost an additional £3. Book your place here.
There will be prizes for the fastest in each age category, male and female, on the day. The race is not for novices and is for experienced runners only.
The club are asking for volunteers to help out on the day to ensure that the event can be run safely. If you would like to volunteer or marshal, cnontact angusm1066@outlook.com.
Car park spaces are provided on the day by AXA Insurance on their property on Ovangle Road.