An 'introduction to cricket umpiring' course is being held in Lancaster this February.
The course will be run by the English Cricket Board and will help the Westmorland Cricket League (WCL) find new officials for the new season.
With a planned increase of new teams and extra games, new umpires are required to officiate at cricket matches across North Lancashire, South Cumbria and North Yorkshire, and the WCL has requested for a course to be held.
A provisional booking has been made for the course to be held at the University of Cumbria (Lancaster campus), Bowerham Road, Lancaster, LA13JD on Sunday February 4 between 11.30am and 6pm.
This course is designed to give new umpires the key skills, knowledge and confidence to stand as an umpire in cricket.
No prior experience of umpiring in cricket is required before attending the course.
Whether you plan to support junior softball cricket, adult cricket or both, this course will cover the following topics: - Understanding the role of the umpire - Gaining a basic understanding of umpiring the game - Answering appeals and the common methods of dismissal - Learning how to communicate effectively with all stakeholders in the game - Judging whether or not it is safe to play The course is split into classroom and practical learning. Learners will be asked to complete some e-learning prior to attending the course, which will take no more than 90 minutes to complete in total. Pre-learning can be completed via multiple visits or in one go.Post-course, learners will have the confidence and competence to go and umpire at appropriate levels within recreational cricket.
The course is open to both men and women.
You must be 14 or over to register for this course and, if you’re under 18, parental permIssion must be given before you proceed.
The course will cost £70 per person but £40 of the course fee will be reimbursed once candidates have successfully completed all tasks and have umpired five matches on behalf of the WCL panel.
To request the part-refund, participants would need to provide evidence of their officiating (scorecards, email from club, etc) to the WCL Secretary Tim Mansfield.
To book a place on the course, click here.