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Tennis club near Lancaster unveils new courts after £50,000 fundraising campaign 

A tennis club near Lancaster is celebrating after raising more than £50,000 to replace two of its courts.

Lunesdale Lawn Tennis Club is the only club in the area with grass courts which are operational in the summer months. However its two hard courts which are in use all year round were in a poor state of repair so over the winter months the club set about fundraising for them to be replaced.

Club members held ceilidhs, afternoon teas, cheese and wine evenings and also made private loans to the club raising £20,000. The committee was also successful in receiving a £5,000 grant from Halton Trust, a £15,000 interest free loan from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and £1,000 from the charity, 3R.

The money was used to completely replace the two courts with a new ‘carpet’ surface, new nets, benches and fencing to separate them from the three grass courts.

The club on Ball Lane in Caton is now holding an open day later this month and is inviting anyone interested in joining to come along and see the new facilities.

The open day is on Sunday May 19, from 2-4pm. There will be organised tennis and tea and cake will be provided. 

“We just wanted to throw open the club to the whole community to come and visit the club, see the changes here, enjoy some fun tennis or just have a chance to chat with the members. It’s a really friendly club in a fantastic location and we’d love to attract new members from beginners to established players,” said committee chair Helen Bramley.

“It’s a busy club and everyone has been so keen to get back playing on the courts, we have organised tennis throughout the year and it’s a great way to play with lots of different people, regardless of your level. We really hope people will attend the open day and see the fantastic facilities we have here which are suitable for all the family,” added Helen.

The club offers year-round tennis and also provides adult and junior coaching through LTA coach Annabelle Cartmell of Cartmell Tennis Coaching.

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