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McDonalds say restaurant at South Lakes Retail Park could create 120 jobs

McDonalds have unveiled plans for a restaurant and drive-thru at South Lakes Retail Park.

Bosses say the scheme at the site off the A685 could create 120 new jobs.

In public consultation documents the restaurant states: “The creation of a new drive-thru restaurant would also deliver a range of benefits, including significant investment into the local economy and the creation of approximately 120 new jobs, in a range of full and part-time positions.

“We recognise that whilst the site is part of a wider commercial area, there are residential properties nearby. We take our responsibility to our neighbours very seriously and have embedded a range of measures in our emerging proposals to protect the amenity of our neighbours.”

The restaurant chain is currently undertaking a pre-application public consultation on the proposals before a full planning application is submitted to Westmorland and Furness Council.

The proposed site would have six parking spaces along with access to parking at the retail site, and would operate 24 hours a day, accessed by the existing road at Queen Katherines Avenue.

McDonalds also claim that around £30,000 in business rates would be generated each year, a proportion of which will be retained by Westmorland and Furness Council to help fund local services.

Consultation documents add they will locate customer order displays on the eastern boundary, away from the nearby properties and carry out at least three daily litter picks to collect all litter in the vicinity of the restaurant amongst measures to protect the amenity of neighbours.

There is a public exhibition of the plans which will be held on Thursday February 15 from 2pm to 7pm at Kendal Rugby Club.

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