Westmorland and Furness Council has taken a significant step towards a more sustainable future with the agreement on Part One of its new Electric Vehicle Strategy.
A new electric vehicle strategy which outlines the council’s commitment to promoting the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) and developing a robust charging infrastructure for residents, businesses and visitors was agreed by the council’s Cabinet this month.
The strategy sets out the council’s key principles to developing EV infrastructure as part of the upcoming Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) project. This includes accessibility and affordability of charge points, a commitment to explore low-carbon technologies to power the charge points and working with parish and town councils to deliver a rural ChargePoint network.
Earlier this year, the council successfully secured £771,000 in funding as part of the pilot LEVI Fund and through an allocation process is now set to receive an additional £3.5m as part of the scheme; making the total funding the council will receive over £4.25m.
Work to develop an Electric Vehicle Strategy Part Two is now due to commence which will include a detailed plan for the LEVI project and be informed by engagement with stakeholders and the public.
Councillor Peter Thornton, Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Assets, said: “I’m pleased we have agreed this strategy which highlights Westmorland and Furness’ approach to EV charging infrastructure.
“It’s essential that our area has a good network of charging points which will help to reduce carbon emissions as well as open up Westmorland and Furness to more electric vehicle drivers.
“I look forward to us working with partners and communities to provide charging points which serve both our tourists and our residents.”
Councillor Giles Archibald, Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member for Climate and Biodiversity, said: “This month’s agreement on Part One of our Electric Vehicle Strategy is another milestone for our council and for Westmorland and Furness. As a council, one of our key priorities is to drive sustainable, inclusive and green growth in the region and supporting a transition to sustainable and low carbon transport is a key component of achieving these targets and priorities.
“Climate change remains the challenge of our generation and this Part One further demonstrates our dedication to combatting it and providing leadership in the drive to become carbon net zero.
“With this Strategy and having secured significant funding from Government, we are in a strong position to enhance and build upon the work we are already doing to ensure that Westmorland and Furness is a great place to live, work and thrive.”