There were colourful scenes, quite literally, as the St John's Hospice Colour Dash returned to Morecambe Promenade.
Around 500 people took part in the Dash from the Midland Hotel to Sunny Slopes at Heysham and back on Sunday.
In the Colour Dash, participants wear white T-shirts and have paint powder thrown at them in great colourful clouds at different points en route.
The event was held in aid of St John's Hospice, which provides palliative care for people in our local area.
The Beyond Radio team, including Beyond Bear, was there to host and start the event on the prom.
The warm-up was led by Hannah and Nikki from Cheyette Fitness, and the Batala Samba Drummers also performed.
It was the first Colour Dash in Morecambe for five years.
Here are some photos and videos from the event. You can find more at the Beyond Radio Facebook page.