A loving sister has launched a toy appeal to help local children have a special Christmas in memory of a "caring and amazing" Morecambe mum.
Victoria Hutton was only 26 when she died in August 2021.
Her sister Rebecca has launched a toy appeal in memory of Vicky, who worked at Westgate Primary School.
Rebecca, from Blossom Beauty salon in Morecambe, explained that her sister used to work with charities every year to make sure children at Westgate school had toys at Christmas.
So the Blossom Toy Appeal is being held to keep Vicky's memory alive and make sure Westgate schoolchildren have a brand new gift this festive season.
LISTEN to Rebecca Hutton talking about her sister Vicky and the Blossom Toy Appeal
"We want to make sure we keep this going (because) of how amazing she was, and what she did for people," said Rebecca.
"She was so caring, she would do anything for anyone.
"Her death had a big impact on the community, and especially to us as a family. She was the rock of us all and kept us all going.
"She was just the best mum to Ollie, and she was the life and soul of everything. She'd walk in the room and she was just so funny. She's just a massive, massive loss in our family.
"Her job was sort of a social worker for Westgate School, making sure the kids were OK and they had everything.
"Vicky used to work with a lot of different charities at this time of year, to bring cars full of toys to the kids.
"We want to keep that legacy going to make sure that people are getting a toy at Christmas, especially with this current crisis this year."
The Blossom Toy Appeal was launched last year to an amazing response, as the floor of the salon was filled with donated toys (see Rebecca with the toys pictured below).
"Last year was absolutely brilliant and we want to try to top it this year," she said.
"We're looking for new toys, selection boxes, new books, for primary school ages.
"They can be dropped to Blossom Beauty in Morecambe and I'll take them to Westgate (school), and they share them out between all the kids at the school to make sure everyone's going home with at least one toy this Christmas.
"To do this, and keep it going is another thing that can comfort us, to make sure we're giving children a better chance of happiness, like Vicky would give them."
Blossom Beauty is at 3 Deansgate, Morecambe (next to Fisherman's Square).
If you want to donate a brand new toy, magazine, book or selection box, please drop them in at the salon.
Or you can contact Blossom Beauty via direct message or email contact@blossombeautymorecambe.com