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New Morecambe 'bee bus stop' with roof garden causing a buzz

The new living roof bus stop near The Battery in Morecambe. Photo by Alan Main.

A bee-friendly bus stop with a garden on top has been causing a buzz in Morecambe.

The bus shelter near The Battery now has a 'living roof' with wildflowers growing on top of it.

These special ‘bee bus stops’ aim to support native biodiversity and bees, whose numbers have been in decline in recent years.

"You may have seen some work going on at the Battery in Morecambe at the end of last week," said a spokesperson for Lancaster City Council.

"The bus stop has been replaced and now features a living roof – a planter of native wildflowers and sedums.

"In partnership with Clear Channel, who have paid for the replacement as they provide the advertising bus shelters, you will also see the bus stop opposite Aldi, Morecambe, replaced in the coming weeks."

Clear Channel said the Living Roofs, which are being installed across the country, have been specially designed in partnership with expert ecologists to support native biodiversity, help create healthier local communities, and bring greenery back into urban areas.

A spokesperson for Lancaster District Bus Users Group said: "The shelter was demolished in a collision with a road vehicle (not a bus!) in December 2021, since when passengers have endured three wet and windy winters waiting for buses in this exposed location. Campaigns by the Bus Users’ Group and local councillors for a speedy replacement have been unsuccessful until now.

"But with summer 2024 on its way its replacement has finally arrived – and a special replacement it is: – Morecambe’s first 'living-roof' or bee-friendly bus shelter!"

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