A popular hotelier from Morecambe who has terminal cancer had an important message as we joined him on his month-long charity walk.
Mal Neill has urged men over 50 to be checked for prostate cancer before it is too late.
"Any males over the age of 50, go and get a prostate check," he said.
"I had never symptoms whatsoever when I got this cancer. I've never had one. I literally started peeing blood, went to the doctors, (was told) I've got terminal prostate cancer.
"It's already spreading to my bones, down my legs, that's why I struggle walking.
"I put it out to all my old Army friends, and two of them went to the doctors and were told they had prostate cancer, but it was caught early enough because I'd geed everybody up to go and get a check."
Ex-soldier Mal, who runs the Berkeley Hotel on Marine Road West with his wife Colette, was speaking to Beyond Radio during his month-long fundraising walk for St John's Hospice.
LISTEN to Mal Neill talking about his challenge
On Wednesday evening, we joined Mal and around a dozen of his friends and family on a two-mile walk along Morecambe Promenade from the Exchange pub on Regent Road to the Clock Tower.
"St John's Hospice put a challenge out to run a mile a day, but unfortunately I have terminal prostate cancer and a collapsed lung, so I'm unable to run...I can't even run a bath without hurting," he said.
"So I thought I'd take this challenge on, but instead of running a mile a day, I said I'll walk two miles a day in January. I'm walking a minimum of four miles a day, really.
"Every evening at 6pm, myself, family and friends, we walk along the Prom either to Heysham or towards the town centre, then turn around and come back.
"I've only had to miss one day, because I wasn't feeling very well. But I made up for it the following day.
"Before Christmas, I couldn't even walk a mile. But it's getting better, with all the fresh air I'm out in all the time."
Here is Mal with his supporters during the walk on Wednesday.
So far Mal has completed 47 miles of his 62-mile target during the month.
You can donate to Mal's fundraiser HERE.
Mal, 68, also a former police officer, was in the Kings Own Border Regiment, serving in the Forces for 12 years, and used to run the local Poppy Appeal, has represented the regiment at remembrance and Armed Forces events across the town for several years, and organises an annual Kings Own reunion in Morecambe.
Mal is also a member of the Bay Veterans Association and some of his colleagues joined him on the walk on Wednesday.
On Saturday January 25, Mal has been invited to walk to Lancaster Fire Station, where he will be met by fire crews who will present him with some funds.
On the last day of the challenge, Friday January 31, he will hold a fundraising raffle in the Exchange beginnng at 7pm, followed by live music.
Mal is asking for people to get in touch with him at the Berkeley, with donations of unwanted Christmas presents for the raffle.