Beyond Radio will be live at the Wray Fair later this year, as the dates for the 2025 Scarecrow Festival have been announced.
The popular event in the village will run from Saturday April 26, through the following week and into the Spring Bank Holiday weekend, ending on Monday May 5, when the annual Fair will take place, featuring Beyond Radio.
This year’s theme is “Circus’’
Related story: INTERVIEWS and PHOTOS: Thousands enjoy packed Wray Fair finale to Scarecrow Festival
Wray scarecrow festival lasts 10 days, when scarecrows will be exhibited throughout the village, outside the homes of local residents, shops and businesses.
The 2025 event also includes the Giant Scarecrow Parade through the village, on Saturday May 3, at 4:15pm.
The parade will be accompanied by the Batala Samba Band.
The Wray Fair will take place on Monday May 5, in the main field in the village, and includes lots of acts, traditional games, Samba Espirito, Melodrome, Tinderbox Creations, Ozzie Sisters, Croix du Nord vikings, and much more.
Entry will cost £10 per vehicle.
People flock to the festival every year from far and wide to see the many and varied scarecrows around the village near Lancaster.
Thousands turned out in 2024 for the finale of the annual scarecrow festival.
The field in Wray was teeming with people enjoying the sights and sounds of the traditional climax to the village's celebration of scarecrows.
Beyond Radio was proud to be there with our Roadshow, with the event featuring attractions including drumming band Samba Espirito, a thrilling Viking battle re-enactment, a dog agility display, live music, and the annual Great Ball Race along the river.