A new whisky distillery has opened in Lancaster and we've been for a look around.
The Lancaster Spirits Co. distillery is next to Lancaster Brewery at Lancaster Leisure Park, and tours are now open to the public.
The distillery, which has been making gin and vodka for some time, recently turned its hand to whisky production.
Phil Simpson, managing director of Lancaster Brewery and Lancaster Spirits Co, showed us around.
LISTEN to our interview with Phil Simpson
"We always thought at the back of our heads that we could do a distillery," said Mr Simpson.
"We started about a year, year and a half before Covid hit, then we started distilling properly about four years ago.
"There was a long period of testing and failure before we came up with gins and vodkas that were worthy of our time and attention.
"There are many gin and vodka distilleries in England, but very few that make their own spirit from scratch.
"In terms of whisky distilleries, there are only a few dozen. In English terms, we are probably in the top four or five, for size.
"We have been putting whisky into casks for the last seven or eight weeks and have been full pelt since July. We are really really happy with it.
"It's a hell of a lot of work setting up a whisky distillery. But it has been so far, very rewarding.
"I'm quietly confident that we're going to be surprising people when it's finally uncorked."
Read more about the Lancaster Spirits Co. distillery tours here:
Lancaster distillery launches public tours - Beyond Radio
Here are more photos from the Lancaster Spirits Co. distillery.